L.A.-based rapper 03 Greedo receives 20 years in prison. In June 2016, Greedo was charged with possession of more than 400 grams of meth and unlawful possession of a firearm by a felon, according court records. This past Wednesday, he appeared in court in Amarillo, Texas, and pleaded guilty on both charges and was sentenced to 20 years in prison, the charges carried the potential for life in prison if he were to take it to trial.

03 shares his initial thoughts on Twitter:

As you can see, he never expected this to happen to him. He’s contemplating his past decisions seeing how caught up with him and respects what fate has brought to his doorstep. It’s honorable to be straightforward about what’s going on in your life and owning up to your actions. Noble 03, very very noble. He also goes on to say this:

He’s proud of what’s been produced while awaiting his case to come to a conclusion. He’s sad that he isn’t going to be able to produce music for the time he will be in prison but reassures us that music will be release when he’s gone. What’s noteworthy about this tweet is that he clearly regrets his decisions when it was time to address his family but he takes this with a grain of salt but hopefully he will be home before 2038…hopefully.

If you aren’t familiar, he’s been making a big name for himself in California and is building a solid fanbase. Wishing you the best 03Greedo.


Here’s one of his more popular songs:

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